United Kingdom: Ease of Business
According to World Bank, the United Kingdom has one of the highest ease of doing business scores out of all the countries in the world.

Stability and Security
A stable legal and regulatory environment in one of the world’s oldest democracies. The region’s focus on sustainable change and positive improvements ensures there is a solid foundation for successful business operations.
Transparency and Simplicity
Transparent, flexible corporate law and governance that makes it easy to do business. The UK is now free to establish its own regulations in sectors such as tax, finance, and legal, tailored to its own needs. Agreements can be varied on a country-by-country basis, so a deal with Sweden may differ from a deal with Germany. This could increase competition which in turn provides a great opportunity for growth.
Diplomacy and Influence
Well-established diplomatic influence around the world, built on the UK’s cultural and political strengths.
London is the world’s leading financial services center on a number of key performance indicators and was voted top European city for business for the 17th year running in 2006 by the European Cities Monitor.