Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands: Cooperative Tax Haven

Located on the eastern cost of Central America, Belize is a country that shares its borders with Mexico in the north, Guatemala in the South and the Caribbean Sea in the east. Belize is considered as one of the most favorable countries in the region for international business.

Tax Incentives
Incentives exist for substantial investment in certain strategic industries, including fisheries, manufacturing, aquaculture/agriculture, and hotel/resort development.

Ocean Resources
The country is known for its wide array of ocean resources, from an abundant stock of high-grade tuna to world-renowned dive attractions.

The RMI’s capital, Majuro, is equipped with reliable energy services, telecommunications, shipping facilities, and an international airport with direct flights to and from Honolulu.

Entrepreneurial Aptness
According to the “World Bank Doing Business Indicators 2006”, RMI ranked number 13 out of 175 economies in the category “Starting a Business” and number 5 in “Dealing with Licenses”, both of which demonstrate the feasibility and ease of starting a business in the country
