Banking solutions

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Banking Solutions

Are you busy building wealth through your career or business? We are dedicated to helping our clients find balance in the years ahead by offering better solutions to help them meet their financial objectives.

In the professional service sector, our team of bankers have extensive expertise and broad knowledge in banking and finance. This enables us to come up with timely and proactive solutions that meet your business needs. With ALKA’s industry experience, local expertise, insights and collective financial solutions, we can help your organisation see the growth you desire.

We know the complexities involved in having an international presence. We are experienced in helping individuals and businesses establish a strong financial foundation oversees in other jurisdictions. Our qualified team can provide better market insights and advice to help you make informed decisions about your wealth and help you navigate change and connectivity.


We can help you:

  • Plan and build a financial foundation in other jurisdictions for you and those you care about.
  • Advice on fund transfers and currency exchange.
  • Give access to a range of professionally managed investments.
  • Better insights in navigating and transitioning into a new environment.
  • Diversify and protect your wealth.

Other banking solution services we offer include:

  • Transformation and digitisation to enhance customer records, business processes and transactions management, with the long-term goal to improve customer experience.
  • Management of global operation risks and offering compliance system application, with effect to any regulatory changes and suggesting new initiatives.
  • Delivering office function system such as automated account opening/closing and incorporation of core banking systems.
  • Automatic discharge of deeds such as integrating government services in closing out mortgages.
  • Assisting with front office system and extensions, such as client on-boarding, account opening and credit card fraud processing.
  • Delivery of business transformation projects, including replacement of core business systems for professional services network.
  • Delivering case management systems, facilitating the selection of investment projects and supporting the management of investments.
  • Credit card fraud notification automation solutions.
  • Large-scale insurance management solution conclusive of multiple lines of insurance.
Are you busy building wealth through your career or business? We are dedicated to helping our clients find balance in the years ahead by offering better solutions to help them meet their financial objectives.


100% Satisfaction Guarantee
